QuickWiper is a disk cleaning utility that can completely wipe all your sensitive data and activity tracks with a single click. When you are working on your PC your operating system uses some temporary files and data called cache that is left behind even when you have stopped working on your PC. This cache can inform anyone about what you have been doing on your PC, like your recent file history can tell about the media you were just playing or the file you were editing. Your web browser's history and recently visited pages can reveal your Internet activities.
QuickWiper needs just a single click to wipe all such data that can be harmful to your privacy. Additionally this tool makes your deleted files unrecoverable using the NSA erasing algorithm. Now you don't need to go to your web browser tabs to clear your history and cache separately. Just install this tool in your system and stop worrying about your privacy. You can also configure QuickWiper to create LOG files with every detail of the wiping and history entries.
Integration in the Windows right click menu makes the wiping process even easier. Just right click any file or folder and choose the QuickWiper option to launch this program and wipe your sensitive data in seconds.
Shortly saying QuickWiper is a must have utility for every home and office PC.